IP address of a connected device is often a good starting point

Whether you are looking to connect a couple of laptops or a couple of tablets to your router, one thing you will need is an IP address. While most routers have their own IP address, the public IP address of a connected device is often a good starting point. The IP address isn’t always an easy thing to snag, and there are several tools to help. For instance, you can always ask your router manufacturer for the router’s public IP address, or you can use a free service such as IP Scanner to check out your connection. If you are looking to tinker around with your router’s settings, you may also want to consider the router’s password.

In the spirit of openness and transparency, many router manufacturers have released a slew of user-friendly documentation, ranging from router-specific manuals to simple guides on how to change the router’s password. For example, Comcast has published a page about changing your router’s default password, and there is a similar page for Virgin, SSE, and Cable Vison. For those with checkra1n iosj a taste for the ol’ fashioned paper and pencil, you can also refer to your router manufacturer’s customer service manual. For more information on your router’s password and other important settings, you can always call your router manufacturer, and ask if you can upgrade your password. Similarly, if you have a router from AT&T, you can call customer service and ask if you can change your password.

Regardless of whether you are looking to change your router’s password or you simply want to see what is going on behind the scenes, you will need to know its IP address. A quick Google search will turn up plenty of free tools that will help you find out what your router’s public IP address is. If you are looking for a more hands on approach, you can also ask your router manufacturer for a list of all available routers.